Thursday, February 16, 2012

Will a chain like Applebees be forced to close due to the recession?

Could be. You are on to something here. Maybe not the whole chain, but may the ones that make the lease money for the company. Selective closing. People are not going out to eat as often. And when they are, they order fewer and cheaper items with no apps and no desserts or drinks. Tipping is either non-existent or at about 10 percent. Times are tough. The 10 percent unemployment rate is actually closer to 20 percent when everyone is counted in. We are in the Great Recession. Tough times ahead, and our president is doing nothing to help us -- only to make the situation worse.Will a chain like Applebees be forced to close due to the recession?
In our small city, Chili's, and TGIF have closed as well as Ted's Montana Grill. Judging from the lack of cars at Applebee's I wont be surprised if they close as well. People are staying home.

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Will a chain like Applebees be forced to close due to the recession?
No but it might be forced to close because everything is flavored with garlic.Will a chain like Applebees be forced to close due to the recession?
No, not Applebee's銆?/div>
  • 2 years ago
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Will a chain like Applebees be forced to close due to the recession?
I just read that Applebees are revamping their menus in hope of avoiding closing.

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